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Canada is a country in North America. It's the second biggest country of the world.


Almost 40 millions people live in Canada.

Where is Canada ?

Canada-Localisation.png Canada is located in the north of the United States of America.

Famous cities

Montreal, Quebec city, Ottawa(The capital) and Toronto are the famous cities of this country.

Story of the country

More than 4000 years ago, the autochthonous are the first to populate the desertic land. Some of them populate the province of Quebec. Almost at year 1000, the Vikings explored the Labrador.

In 1535, Jacques Cartier was the first to visit Quebec. He names the new colony New France. He explored Hochelaga, now called Montreal.

In 1756 to 1763, there was a war called Conquest of New France. The war was between the colony and France vs United Kingdom and his english colony. English win the war. So then, New France is now for United Kingdom. They called Province of Quebec. The big territory reduce his territory.

In 1876, Canada becomes a Dominion, after the creation of the federation. He can now decided his laws an each province has a parliament. The country in 1876 has 4 provinces: Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

Over the years, Canada has new provinces and territories, such as the Northwest Territories, Newfoundland, Manitoba, Alberta etc.


Canada is known for a food called Poutine. to complete

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